Posts tagged healing
The Difference Between Curing vs. Healing

As I laid there in the hospital bed for what seemed like endless hours, I came to realize that whatever was going on with me went much deeper than the symptoms I was experiencing on the surface. It wasn’t just my physical body that needed to be cured, but my mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies were asking to be healed. Thus, the healing work began.

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Do You Believe in Guidance?

Could angel guidance be moving from marginalization to mainstream? While angel and spirit guidance may still sound marginal to some, you can think of it this way: “We have our national guards, our policemen, our volunteer crew, our army, and our navy. We have many levels of support in the human experience, and we have that same pantheon of support in the Divine realm as well,” says Sonia.

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What Sounds Help You Tune Into Your Best Vibes?

Think of how you feel when you hear the sound of a baby crying, compared to the soothing sound of trickling rain, to the sound of a jackhammer, ocean waves, gunshots on the tv news, or the sound of laughter. We all can feel how sound affects our mood, but what is interesting to me is why and how. I recently learned that sound does not go through a thinking process. Sound actually connects to the emotional component of our brain. It…

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The Husband Test

A trip that was meant to be a sacred and romantic trip with my husband-to-be turned more into what he and I now laughingly refer to as “the husband test.” He was surely put to the test as I writhed in pain, cried in fear, felt my temperature rise higher and higher, and generally just lost it. He was calm, level-headed, wise, compassionate, loving and nurturing. He sought out the medical care I needed and watched over me every step of the way….

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Are We Our Own Healers?

As I sat in the waiting room at the dermatologist’s office today, I thought about how much our attitude affects our health and our healing process. I was diagnosed with melanoma just over 10 years ago at my very first appointment with a dermatologist. I had made the appointment under the plea of my mother who had been heavily suggesting a check up for the past few years. I was young — in my 20s — and thought I was the queen of health and surely invincible. That particular appointment back in 1997 showed me otherwise…

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