TEDx Stage Here I Come



Have you had a dream to do something that you knew you would do someday, but felt scared, or intimidated or overwhelmed by actually going after it? So you stalled and stalled.

But then that day arrived. And you decided to go for it.

I'm excited to share with you that my dream of being a TEDx speaker is happening ... NEXT WEEKEND!

On Saturday, October 3rd, I'll be speaking at the 150th anniversary of my alma mater, St. Mark's School, a prestigious boarding school outside of Boston.

The school was founded as an all-boys schools in 1865 and began accepting girls in 1978. Despite girls being in the school for the last 37 years, this boarding school is very much a part of the old-boys network.

The photo above will give you sense of what I'm talking about.

Notice something off-balance there?

Hint: Eleven speakers and only three are women!

For those of you not familiar with TEDx, it is an independently organized event, where speakers are invited to bring their "Ideas Worth Spreading." It has its roots in the TED organization and famous conference where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to speak for 18 minutes or less.

Well, for those of you who know my work, you may have a guess as to what I am speaking about.

That photo above is exactly why I am speaking.

As women and girls, too many of our voices are silenced —we’re not on stage, not at the tables of leadership, and not given the weight and value that a man's voice is given in our culture.

Well, sisters and brothers, we've got to work on this. We are working on this. But just as you think things are moving forward, you see a photo like the one above.

What are the girls in that audience to think about the value of their voice when they see only three women speakers?

So, as you might imagine, I am pumped to give this talk. I am honored to receive this opportunity. I am grateful to the forces that came together to make this happen.

And it turns out, the event is SOLD OUT. (There are 500 seats in the theater.)

What about you? If you were to give a TEDx Talk, what would you want to say? What would your message be?

What is your 'Idea Worth Spreading'?

I encourage you to share your responses below in the comments section.

Please consider it a "testing ground" and incubator spot for you. As you know, we need more women's voices on stage. So why not get a head start here?

In my experience, when women share the truth of their voice and un-silence what they've been holding, a new burst of feminine empowerment hits our planet.

I'd love to hear your ideas. (And believe me, I know the courage it takes to do this.)

*I want to give a huge shout out to those of you who have already given a TEDx Talk, as I know there are some of you in this community you have done this. Your courage begets our courage. Thank you!

For those of you who want a safe space to test out your 'Idea Worth Spreading,' please share below. There is LOVE here.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Tabby Biddle, M.S.Ed., is a women’s rights advocate, writer and leadership coach, specializing in helping women find their voice. She is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller, Find Your Voice: A Woman’s Call to Action, now available in paperback. Get your copy here.