Power Up Your Thought Leadership

by Tabby Biddle

In my work with women leaders, emerging leaders and social changemakers over the last 15 years uplifting and championing their voices, I have come to see particular patterns that show up over and over.

Most women come to me with a desire to grow their influence, impact and thought leadership—through writing, public speaking, podcasting, media-making, and brand building. They want to use their voice to make a positive difference in people’s lives, and positively impact culture and society in the areas of gender equity, women’s empowerment, and social justice.

But they struggle with things like self-doubt, overwhelm, imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, second-guessing themselves, deep-seated fears around speaking their truth and using their voice in a more expansive way, and staying accountable to their dream projects.

While there are commonalities amongst the women I work with, there are also subtle, yet distinct differences, which I have come to see as voice archetypes.

Each of these voice archetypes has unique gifts and unique challenges.

What I have discovered over time is that when a woman wants to make her greatest impact as a feminine thought leader, depending on her voice archetype, certain and specific things will work best for her.

And I love to share these!

If you’re curious to find out your own voice archetype, and how to work with your unique gifts and challenges, I invite you to take this 2-minute quiz I created to discover your unique voice type so you can power up your thought leadership!

It’s been exciting to see how this little quiz is just about nailing everyone who takes it! Women are reporting things like:

“I’ve never felt so seen and understood by quiz results before!”

“Wow. You nailed it! Thank you for seeing me!”

“My voice type really resonated with me. This is a great offering! Thank you.”

These kind of responses make me so happy. It is so refreshing when women feel seen and understood.

If you’re curious to find out your unique voice type and receive insights to grow your feminine thought leadership, take the Voice Leadership Quiz.

I’d love to get this in the hands of as many women as possible. Please feel free to share this quiz with your friends at voiceleadershipquiz.com.

Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed. is a women’s leadership coach and award-winning writer dedicated to uplifting and championing women’s voices in the world. She specializes in helping women find their voice and amplify it as writers, public speakers and thought leaders—not tethered to the old ways of patriarchy, but in a new paradigm of feminine leadership. Want to grow your impact as a feminine thought leader? Learn more.