Tabby Biddle on the Artemisia We Women Podcast

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Artemisia Gentileschi was a great feminist painter, forgotten by history. Now, she’s considered the greatest female artist prior to the modern period.

Throughout history, millions of women’s stories have been forgotten, erased, omitted, devalued or suppressed in the name of patriarchy.

In 2011, actress and story analyst Julie Proudfoot founded Artemisia Theatre in Chicago to share women’s untold stories. “Women’s stories are important. They change our perspective, on the past, the present and the future,” she says.

Frustrated by the fact that women were not front and center in theatre, Julie launched herself on a mission to empower women through Artemisia. This led to the production of feminist plays and putting women in leadership positions—as playwrights, as directors, as leading actors, as designers, and more. This also led to creating a lot of energy around audience engagement to the point where Artemisia would have after-show discussions and focus on two questions: Does the play empower women? Does it challenge you to see women in a new light?

From their world premieres to their virtual performances, Artemisia Theatre is always looking for ways to better our world for women. Julie’s goal is to raise the bar on compassion and social justice for women through the use of the art of the theatre.

During the pandemic, Artemisia went fully digital, presenting 10 feminist plays of classic and contemporary canon via live stream and podcast.

Their 2021 season offers eight audio performances of classic and all-new feminist plays, empowering discussions with their creative teams and intriguing social justice interviews with community leaders who are passionate about making the world better for women.

I am honored to have been one of the social justice community leaders invited onto the Artemisia We Women Podcast, hosted and produced by Julie Proudfoot and Willow James, to talk about spirituality, the state of feminism and what it means for women to "find their voice."




Tabby Biddle is the founder of TAB Media, the co-founder of 50 Women Can Change the World in Media & Entertainment, the author of the bestselling book, Find Your Voice: A Woman’s Call to Action, and an internationally recognized women’s leadership coach, educator, strategist, and group facilitator for her unique approach to activating women’s leadership. Learn more at